10 Days Down Zhumadian -- Tue, Jul 12, 2005 We are now 10 days into Bike Across China and I crossed the 1,000km mark today. We are 25% towards our fundraising target and have spread the word to about 2,000 people (a lot more people than the site indicates right now; I am working on that). Please continue to spread the word and encourage your friends to help in any way they can!
Here's a quick re-cap of the past 10 days:
- I found a highway hotel and asked for a wake-up call. Either they liked me or hadn't done many of these because I received a "personal" 4am wake-up call by the hotel manager in his boxers, and a follow-up by the hotel lady, just to make sure I was up...
- Nearly 100 degree heat for the first 2 days...
- Rain for the next 6 days...
- Navigating through chinese country side
- And to top it all off, an introduction to the Chinese police PSB for taking a forbidden photo... While being interogated they I had people playing with my hair.